Friday, April 15, 2011

My Florida Summer Garden

 I have planted a garden, which is not a monumental act, but it is more exciting to me than a normal garden, because these are all seeds that I have saved from vegetables my husband and I ate last year.  Now, I am sure there are lots of people out there who have done this for years, but  I am one of those who (when I plant a garden) buys fresh packeaged seeds from the store or catalogue.  So I am so excited that ALL of my seeds sprouted!!  Yay!
The other thing I am proud of, and a little nervous about, as well, is that I am trying to make this an organic garden, drawing on the horse manure compost pile that is a result of my business, teaching and training Dressage.
I have transplanted them out into bigger pots now, so the second step is success, as well.  I will take pictures of milestones as we go along, and below are the first two milestones that I captured:
In the first picture are my herbs-- Rosemary, Chives, Marjoram, Greek Oregano, Lemon Balm, and Sage.

These are the herbs that I first planted last spring, that have survived past winter, and have started to grow again.  The Basil, which is an annual, died back of course, but I saved some of the seeds, and it is part of the seed flat, below......

Here is the flat of vegetables that I planted.  The Mini-Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Bell Peppers, Heirloom Red Beefsteak Tomatoes, Heirloom German Pink Tomatoes, and Basil sprouted quickly and easily, and are growing like gangbusters even after transplanting into their permanent plots.  I planted the watermelon and cantaloupes in the ground, and everything else in 7 gallon pots filled with organic compost.

The only thing that didn't sprout was the Eggplant, which makes me a bit sad, since Eggplant grows so well in my area and I love eggplant, but I can certainly trade for Eggplants with my Heirloom Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Basil, and other herbs and vegetables.  What are you growing this season?

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