Monday, September 19, 2011

Mary's cooking

Wow Mary! You are definitely more adventuresome than I am when it comes to cooking. I will try new things and do some experimenting, but I guess I am just too picky. I think that comes from being forced to eat some things as a child even after I said I didn't like it. Oh well, we each have our own tastes, likes, dislikes, etc. That's what makes us who we are.
I do enjoy seeing your pictures and reading your recipes on here. It makes my brain start working. lol
Thank you for bringing the more... adventurous level to our food blog!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, thanks, Momma T! I love seeing yours as well. You say you aren't adventurous, but the recipes you have offered here are beautiful and delicious! I hope everything is going well for you.
    Do you bake? I am terrible at baking! I would love to have some more recipes for sweet stuff, because even though I want to limit my sugar intake, homemade sweets have to be better for you that store-bought stuff, right? :-)
