Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Roasted whole chicken

First I would like to apologize. I don't have internet at home right now so it is not as easy for me to post stuff like I want to. I also am sorry but I do not have a picture for this recipe.  It turned out really good so I hope you will try it too.

1 whole roasting chicken
1/2 can/bottle of beer (your choice)
garlic powder
onion powder
poultry seasoning
salt & pepper

Preheat oven to 350. set roasting pan on stove top on medium heat. pour in the beer and add 2 tbsp of butter. let it heat to a slight bubble then add in the rest of the seasonings. (reserve a little of the seasoning to put on top of chicken). While beer is heating up make sure to rinse your chicken extra well and pat dry. Remove the pkg of "innerds". Place your chicken in the pan and sprinkle with the reserved seasoning. Put aluminum foil over top and place in oven for about 30 min. remove foil and crank heat up to 450. After 15 minutes, reduce heat back to 350 and leave the foil off. (if your chicken is getting too brown, put the foil back on). When you reduce the heat take this time to spoon the juices from the pan over the chicken. It should be smelling wonderful in your kitchen right now.
Check your chicken for doneness. It should be completely cooked after about an hour in the oven.

Give it a try! Use the spices I listed above or use some of your favorites.
~As always,
Happy eating and good cooking!

1 comment:

  1. Momma T, I absolutely LOVE using Sage with poultry (chicken and turkey). It gives such an earthy flavor to it! This beer-can recipe sounds delicious! I rarely cook a whole bird since it is just the two of us, but I think I will give this a try! Thanks!
